A Step toward Equality and Inclusion: Viewing Education through a Gender Lens, by Pai Obanya April 29, 2019

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This discussion begins with a clarification of the concepts in the title and goes on to look at the Gender Challenge in access to Education with specific reference to Nigeria and from the ‘meaningful access’ angle. Its main import is an attempt to analyse the Gender Challenge in a holistic sense, while its ultimate intention is to seek ways of reinforcing the role of Counselling in addressing the Gender Challenge as a step towards equality and inclusion in Education, and in society.

Viewing Education through a gender lens involves looking at learning systems in our society from a variety of angles. Looking from different angles, as described in the paper, reveals challenges that girls and women, in particular, face. The enhanced understandings and insights gained should inform the infusion of gender concerns and perspectives into national development and education policies and practices. When this happens, education will change, society will change, and the mainstream will change to become more accommodating and inclusive.

Gender-response education programmes and pedagogical practices should be the bedrock upon which society is built. This sort of Education-Above-All is the responsibility of all. Counselling professionals (of the three categories identified in this discussion) are key players—actively participating in policy and programme development and monitoring processes and ensuring down-to earth gender-responsive counselling at school, classroom, and community levels.

The full paper can be downloaded here.

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